2015 Atlanta Oculoplastic & Breast Symposium a Success!

This past weekend, I was invited to speak at the 8th Annual Oculoplastic and 31st Annual Breast Symposia in Atlanta, GA. The dual symposium is a special event hosted by the The Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (SESPRS). Founded in 1958, the SESPRS is composed of many talented board-certified plastic surgeons from around the Southeastern United States. Their annual scientific meetings create an unparalleled opportunity for intellectual exchange of ideas and are a model for professional surgical education across the country. Their motto of “Beauty and Function” was exemplified during a fantastic four day program!

Dr. Pacella releases the definitive textbook on treatment of skin cancer

Dr. Pacella releases the definitive textbook on treatment of skin cancer: AESTHETIC RECONSTRUCTION AFTER MOHS SURGERY

After years of caring for patients diagnosed with skin cancer, I have heard this story too many times:

A patient sits in my exam room with a large bandage over their nose. What started as a small spot biopsied by their dermatologist has progressed into a large open defect requiring major plastic surgery. The patient sits anxiously, waiting for the final procedure to make them whole again. The patient’s emotions fluctuate rapidly: they may experience guilt about spending too much time in the sun, disbelief in the deformity that they have suffered, and fear of the possibility of permanent scarring.  They are in shock…How I can possibly restore their cosmetic appearance to a time before they were diagnosed with skin cancer?